Tips and Tricks to Make Your House Cool During Hot Months

When the mercury begins to rise, especially during sweltering afternoons, it may be tempting to set the AC on full blast. But before you do that (and inadvertently increase your electricity bills), you may want to follow these tips and tricks that can help you keep the summer heat at bay.

If you want to know how to keep your house cool, one of the most important things that you can do is to make your home more efficient in keeping heat outside. This may mean investing in a few upgrades like window films and blinds. You may also want to build a barrier between your home and the sun by planting trees and vines, or even asking your contractor to add awnings to your home. You may not instantly reap the benefits of these, but over the next summer seasons, these small moves will allow you to reap solid dividends.

Shut the blinds
A substantial amount of heat that comes into your home can be attributed to heat that passes through the windows. One simple trick to minimize the amount of heat going inside your home is to keep your blinds closed and keep curtains and shades unfurled.

Keep the door closed
When you are running the AC, prevent the loss of heat and unnecessary waste of energy by keeping the doors closed. And conversely, during cool summer nights, let the cool air come in by opening your doors.

Change your beddings
During the summer season, swap your flannel and fleece sheets for those made out of cotton. Cotton, compared to other fabrics, can breathe easier and can help keep you cooler during the hot summer months.

how to keep your house coolRun your ceiling fan counter-clockwise
Set your fan to run counter-clockwise. This will help create a wind-chill breeze effect that can make the room cooler.

Use exhaust fans

If you have exhaust fans in the kitchen and in the bathroom, turning these on can help suck the hot air from nearby areas.

Make the switch to CFLs
Apart from consuming more electricity, incandescent bulbs also emit a lot of heat. Making the switch to compact fluorescent lamps will not only allow you to save on your energy bills but also keep the room a little cooler.

Dress smart
Another trick that you may want to do to help keep yourself cool and refreshed during the summer months is to wear summer-friendly outfits. While you are at it, consider applying cold cloth to areas like your neck and wrists.