Air-conditioning Freezing Up? Here Are 2 Possible Reasons

The AC has been turned on for several minutes and you notice that there still hasn’t been any significant change in the room temperature. You go over the unit to check the setting and then you notice that the air conditioning freezing up has happened; ice is forming on the unit.

What are the reasons behind the air-conditioning freezing up?

Air-conditioning Freezing Up? Do you see ice forming on it, there are two possible reasons behind this problem:

Refrigerant issues

One possible reason why your air-conditioning system has become frozen is because the refrigerant or Freon is leaking.

The refrigerant is the part of the air-conditioning system that collects heat from inside your home and moves it outdoors. However, the refrigerant can leak due to wear and tear.

When this happens, the air-conditioning unit works less efficiently — and in some cases, leads to the system freezing up.

It is possible that the refrigerant level is low or has been recharged improperly. Another possible reason is that the coils which contain the refrigerant have become too cold. This problem occurs when the coils are dirty or when the air is too humid.

What can you do to solve this problem? The best thing that you can do is to call in the professionals to inspect your air-conditioning system. The professionals may either top up the refrigerant or fix the cause of the leak.

Improper airflow

Another possible reason why your air-conditioner is frozen is because it cannot get enough air to function properly.

When your air-conditioning system cannot get enough air, its coils can freeze. Additionally, air humidity can build up on the coils, which eventually leads to the buildup of ice.

Sometimes, this issue can be attributed to dirty air filters. However, it is also possible that the air filter is too restrictive, you do not have enough return ducts, or there is damage in the ductwork.

The first thing that you can try is to replace the air filter of your air-conditioner. If the problem is not resolved, you can then call in the professionals.

The importance of regular air-conditioner maintenance

Regular maintenance will allow you to prevent unexpected and costly problems like a frozen air-conditioner. Minor problems can be brought to your attention and remedied before they worsen, allowing you to enjoy your air-conditioning system during the hotter months and to keep your air-conditioning repair cost at a minimum.

If you find yourself having problems with your air-conditioning freezing up, just click here for additional information.