By routinely replacing your air filter in your HVAC system, you will keep it running smoothly and efficiently. You will also save money on your electric bill in the summer months. Most homeowners forget to replace their air filters for months at a time, leaving their energy bill to skyrocket!
Forgetting to replace it can cause maintenance issues that could be costly later on. Air filter replacement is necessary for every homeowner and should be a top priority during the summer months. Here are five reasons it’s time to replace it:
1. Visible Dirt and Dust
If your air filter is only showing a small layer of dirt, it will still be working fine. But, when the dirt actually blocks the surface and material of the filter, it’s a sign it’s long overdue for replacement. This can lead to dirty ductwork which can cause all sorts of problems for your HVAC system.
All the dirt on the filter prevents your air conditioner from cooling your house down properly. A small restriction on your filter due to dirt and dust can result in a much less efficient cooling system.
This causes your A/C to have to work harder, thus creating a higher energy bill for you. It may also result in extra maintenance of your HVAC system. When the indoor coil is dusty, the cooling process becomes compromised. This can lead to damage to the compressor which is very expensive to replace.
2. Musty or Moldy Odor
A second sign it might be time for an air filter replacement is a musty odor. If you happen to have any furry critters roaming around your home, you might have noticed they shed in the summertime.
Both dogs and cats shed a lot and have odors. These can linger around your home and build up, causing your air filter to give off a musty odor. Not only do pets contribute to this, but mold and mildew are an odor-causing culprit as well.
This bacterial growth will create a musty or moldy odor that isn’t pleasant.
All of these odor-causing contaminants will be recirculating around your home until the filter is replaced. Luckily, simply cleaning and maintaining your AC this problem can be fixed.
3. Allergies and Asthma

Another sign that your air filter needs replacing is if you or anyone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma. The longer you wait to replace your air filter, the more allergens stick around your home. Your home can actually be more polluted than the air outside your home.
If you find yourself constantly sneezing, feeling stuffy, or your asthma flaring up there’s a good chance it’s time to check your air filter. It’s important to know that leaks in your ductwork can pull in these allergens – so make sure you call a reputable HVAC company.
When the air filter is full and dirty, those pesky allergens won’t be trapped as well. Spring and summer are when allergies flare up the most. If you suffer from allergies, it is recommended to replace your air filter every thirty to sixty days.
4. The Type of Air Filter
Another important factor to consider is what type of filter you are using in your HVAC system. Filters will vary in quality due to their thickness and what materials they’re made out of. If you buy a cheap air filter that means you are going to have to replace it more often.
Most people like to save money, but with air filters, you really get what you pay for. Flat fiberglass filters are the cheapest and most readily available in stores. They are not effective at removing particles in the air, though.
Pleated filters are a step up in quality and durability, but cost more. They were designed to help catch more dust and debris in the air. They do a much better job at this, which is why many homeowners prefer them.
The third choice is HEPA filters. These can actually trap the tiniest of particles and remove any and all allergens in your home. The downside is that they are so efficient that they restrict airflow. This can actually reduce the amount of air in your home and increase your bill.
Consider spending a few extra dollars and get one that will last longer and trap more particles. You’ll be glad you did! They are relatively inexpensive so you should focus on quality. You can go here to find the right ones for your home.
So is it Time to Replace Your Air Filter?
Now you have a much better idea of when it’s time for an air filter replacement. Most experts recommend replacing an air filter every 90 days. However, if you have young children, pets, or allergies then you should consider replacing it every one to two months.
Do yourself a favor and don’t forget to replace your air filter! Your HVAC system will thank you by not having to work so hard. It will also increase its lifespan and reduce maintenance costs.
If you’re in the market for a new HVAC system or repair, there will be many heating and cooling companies wanting your business. With our expert technicians, thousands of satisfied customers, and being family-owned, we know TFF HVAC is the clear choice. We’ve been in business a long time and value our customers. Get in touch with us for a free estimate and let us show you why we’re the best!